AccesspressBasic is one of the theme from category.
You can use AccesspressBasic theme for any type of websites like Corporate, Business, Blogs, Informational and many more.
AccesspressBasic theme was uploaded on .
You can download AccesspressBasic Theme in a format of Zip file and the size would be MB.
AccesspressBasic theme is proudly powered by Wordpress.
You can also download similar themes from
this theme provided by .
Themes Name : AccesspressBasic
AccesspressBasic Layout : Responsive
AccesspressBasic Categories :
AccesspressBasic Theme Screenshots :Desktop View
AccesspressBasic theme is fully responsive so it would be compatible with all major browsers as well as devices like mobiles, tablets, laptops, desktops etc without horizontal scrolling.
The source of AccesspressBasic theme would be available in PHP (Programming language), JS (Java script), CSS (Style sheets), ttf (fonts), jpg,png (Images).